
Hi! I’m Mordecai/Ghost! I use a ton of neopronouns. They/Dolls/Bugs is mostly the best. I am a system and these pronouns work for all of us! I don’t disclose anything about my system, Do not ask me anything about my system unless I expressly say its okay, Under any circumstance! I have had too many people fake being systems to get close to me.


You will non consensually talk about my system,
You are over 30. (No exceptions.)
You intend on being my caregiver/Partner (I am incredibly happily taken)
-You are using me to get literally anything! I’m poor and disabled IDK what you want from me!!
-Are a part of DDLG/CGL/ABDL.
-Talk about bathroom stuff to me at all! or on your page!
-Believe that all lives matter/Blue lives matter/Don't support neopronouns!
-Support LittleTeddyPrincess and her racist actions.


You may DM Me to:
-Educate me on a topic I didn't understand fully!
-Tell me about something funny
-Share a photo with me
-Reply to my stories
-Ask me where I got my onesies/bottles/little gear (unless from an 18+ shop)
-Tell me you got something from my wishlist!
-Flirt with me
-Be sexual in messages
-Ask me invasive personal life questions
-Ask where I live
-Use baby talk or excessive emojis (They make me uncomfortable)
-Use typing quirks (I use a screen reader sometimes and also I have a hard time processing it!)


-I am Intersex! I don’t discuss this a lot but I would like it to be known! Please don’t ask me about discourse topics relating to this
-My family is kinda funky, My moms side is greek, and has some indigenous ancestry, my dads side is Hawaiian, Venezuelan, and Hindi. For ease I call myself Venezuelan/Mixed! Since thats most of the culture I relate to. So thats my Ethnicity but my race is all over the damn place.
-I am Wiccan (Not currently practicing.)
-I am a VTUBER!
-I am nonbinary masculine and I am starting testosterone soon (6/25)
-6/25 is my birthday

Art was done by


@Woolblossom on twitter